Saturday, August 11, 2012

Reusable snack/sandwich bags

My latest project:  Reusable sandwich/snack/food bags.
This one is large enough to put in a wrap, plus a smaller bag with celery sticks or baby carrots.
I made the seams on the outside on this one, made matching bias fabric to cover the seams.  This one is also lined with water proof fabric.  Just wipe clean and reuse!
No more plastic sandwich bags for us! 
Just use, wash and reuse!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Quinoa Quinoa
What's New and Beneficial About Quinoa

  • The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has officially declared that the year 2013 be recognized as "The International Year of the Quinoa." Proposed by the government of Bolivia and receiving strong support from many Central and South American countries, quinoa has now been singled out by the FAO as a food with "high nutritive value," impressive biodiversity, and an important role to play in the achievement of food security worldwide. We realize that quinoa remains unfamiliar to many people, especially in the practical sense of cooking and recipes. But we hope that situation will change, given the remarkable nature of this easily-prepared, nutrient-rich food.
  • Researchers have recently taken a close look at certain antioxidant phytonutrients in quinoa, and two flavonoid—quercetin and kaempferol—are now known to be provided by quinoa in especially concentrated amounts. In fact, the concentration of these two flavonoids in quinoa can sometimes be greater than their concentration in high-flavonoid berries like cranberry or lingonberry.
  • Recent studies are providing us with a greatly expanded list of anti-inflammatory phytonutrients in quinoa. This unique combination of anti-inflammatory compounds in quinoa may be the key to understanding preliminary animal studies that show decreased risk of inflammation-related problems (including obesity) when animals are fed quinoa on a daily basis. The list of anti-inflammatory phytonutrients in quinoa is now known to include: polysaccharides like arabinans and rhamnogalacturonans; hydroxycinnamic and hydroxybenzoic acids; flavonoids like quercetin and kaempferol; and saponins including molecules derived from oleanic acid, hederagenin and serjanic acid. Small amounts of the anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), are also provided by quinoa.
re-posted in part from

Black Bean Burgers

I have had a few request for my Black Bean here goes.
Adjust recipe to your taste.  I like mine a little spicy!
I roast garlic and peppers in the oven and then divide them to use in several dishes throughout the week.

1/2 cup cooked Quinoa (pronounced Keenwaa).  Cooked rice can be substituted.
1 can black beans
Roasted green, red & yellow bell peppers ( I use about 1/4 cup)
1/2 cup sauteed shredded carrots, chopped
2 cloves roasted garlic
2 eggs
1 tbs chili powder
1 tbs gound cumin
1/2 bread crumbs

I use a hand potatoe masher to mash the black beans but they can also be put in the food processor.
In food processor pulse once or twice the roasted peppers, garlic.  Add mixture to black beans. 
Add eggs to mixture and mix well.
Add enough bread crumbs and Quinoa to make a firm textured patty.
Fry patties using a teaspoon coconut oil.

Spicy Quacamole topping
1 small avacodo
1/4 cup Garbonzo beans (canned or cooked)
juice of 1/2 lemon
1 1/2 tbs jarred jalapenoes with 1/2 tsp jalapeno juice
Process in food processor until desired smoothness

top cooked Black Bean Burger with Spicy Quacamole sauce, some sauteed carrots
Soooo Good!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Stay Tuned for Rachel's Homemade Laundry Detergent!

I will be re-opening my etsy shop soon!

I am now making my own laundry soap! 
It will be available in my etsy shop in a few weeks.

It doesn't "suds up" like other detergents, but it gets clothes really clean!
There will be several different ones to chose from.
I will have Regular detergent and sensitive skin detergent

I will also have a stain remover for you in the shop!
I will post the re-open date my store soon, so please stay tuned!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Have you heard? Black Rice is the new "it" super food!

Black Rice Pudding with sweetened coconut

Black Rice is becoming the new "it" organic food and the attention it is getting is well deserved.  The myriad of health benefits that this super food provides are staggering. 

Health Benefits     

The consumption of black rice has shown evidence of decreases in risk for heart disease and cancer.  High blood pressure, circulation and overall health seems to be maintained well by those who have added black rice to their diet.
Black rice has anti-inflammatory properties and is considered to be an excellent source of antioxidants.   This is important because heart disease is caused by inflammation.  We want to keep inflammation out of our bodies!
  • prevention of cancer
  • prevention of diabetes
  • prevention of heart disease
  • prevention of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Prevention of Heart Attacks

  • Black rice is typically sold as an unmilled rice, meaning that the fiber-rich black husks of the rice are not removed.

    Soaking and cooking reveals the true color of the rice-purple!  Because Black Rice retains it's hard outer shell, it is best to soak the rice overnight before cooking.
    I measure out my rice, cover with twice the amount of water, cover and put in the refrigerator overnight.  I have left it in the refrigerator for a couple of days before cooking and it has been o.k.

    Black Rice is a sticky glutenous rice which makes it perfect for desserts.  Black Rice can be cooked with plain water or juice.  I prefer cooking with coconut water.

    To cook Black Rice: Soak black rice overnight.  Rinse the soaked rice and cook in rice cooker as you would white or brown rice.  If there is still liquid on top of the rice when it has finished cooking, just stir it into the rice.  the rice will absorb any extra liquid.

    If you do not soak the Black Rice before cooking, it will take three times longer to cook!

    This photo is of the black rice soaking.  The water turns purple as it soaks.

    For Black Rice pudding:
    Coconut water (2 cups of coconut water to every cup of rice) and 3 tsp of raw sugar to the Black Rice in rice cooker. Cook according to rice cooker manufacturers directions. When the rice has cooled, spoon rice into dessert dishes, pour on a little chilled coconut milk and top with sweetened coconut flakes. Yum!     



    Sunday, July 15, 2012

    How do you take your lunch to work?

    I made a couple of traveling placemats today.  I had seen a few versions of these out on the internet and decided to give it a try. 
    Now 95 % of the time, I take my lunch to work.  I have a nice little lunch tote that one of my daughters gave me for Christmas last year (thanks Kim).  However, I needed something to put on my desk when eating lunch so as to not leave crumbs, water rings, ect. on my desk.  I wanted a placemat that was easy to carry and that I could put my utensils and homemade cloth napkin in. This is what I came up with.
    I used fat quarters, so each placemat measures about 22"x 18".  I added the utensil and napkin pocket, used fleece for the batting, stiched my name on it for the quilting pattern (my name is hard to see in these pictures because of the floral pattern).
    I add my utensils and napkins, fold the top half over the placemat, roll and tie.
    Made in America, by an American!!

    Monday, July 9, 2012

    What's for dinner?

    Tonights dinner:
    Homemade rustic herbed crackers
    Homemade roasted red pepper and garlic hummus

    Sunday, July 8, 2012

    Do you know the difference between salt and sodium?

    Salt is one of the six major taste buds. In American society our taste buds are most influenced by salty and sweet.  The two greatest substances that cause food addiction are: salt and sugar.  Almost all pre-processed foods are loaded with both salt and sugar.  Why do you think we are addicted to fast food, soda and chips?  They are all loaded with both salt and sugar!

    Your body does not require salt.  I will say that again...your body does not require salt. Too much salt is what makes your blood pressure go up.  Eating foods with too much salt or adding additional salt to your food can aggravate kidney problems, and cause water retention (edema).  Salt will also tax the liver and therefore cause reddening of the eyes.

    I am not saying that you should get rid of salt all together, unless of course your doctor advises you too.  I am still going to use salt in moderation, but more importantly I have thrown out the Morton bleached out, iodized salt with 79 of it's natural minerals removed to a healthier alternative-sea salt.

    Your body does require sodium.  Salt and sodium are not the same thing.  Sodium is one of the eight alkaline minerals and one of the minerals that can be found in nature. 

    We need sodium for proper health, especially to balance our sodium-potassium balance levels.
    Sodium is a great hydrator.  Sodium helps us to hold and properly use water (think sports drinks).
    Sodium is also important for proper muscle fundtion.  Too little sodium can lead to poor muscle function in addition to an imbalance in your blood's PH levels.

    Let's talk about Morton's table salt since that is the most highly consumed salt in America.  This salt is sodium chloride that mimics salt in taste and function, however this and other commercial salt's contain over 30 synthetic chemicals, such as sodium solo-co-aluminate, sodium bicarbonate, and potassium iodide, which are all chemical additives that make the salt flow easily from the box.  Remember the commercial "pours even when it rains"?  well now you know why.

    What about sea salt?  sea salt is the salt nature produces in water and if you must use salt, sea salt is the best.  You must also be careful about what kind of sea salt you use.  If the sea salt is bleached and iodized, skip it.  We have all been taught that the reason iodine is added to salt is to prevent goiter's.  Well the truth of the matter is that there is not enough iodine in a serving of salt to prevent goiter's.
    To satisfy your body's sodium mineral requirement, consume celery.  Celery is the best vegetable to lower high blood pressure naturally!

    Natural sea salt is not white in color, but rather a light brown to pink in color.  You can tell real sea salt from fake sea salt by putting some in a glass of water and letting it sit overnight.  Real sea salt dissolves.  Fake sea salt does not.


    To maintain your sodium potassium balance, drink a glass of water with a pinch of sea salt and apple-cider vinegar.  If you do not like apple-cider vinegar you can drink 4-8 ounces of apple and celery juice.

    Monday, July 2, 2012

    Baked Burrito's for dinner

    Tonight I made baked chicken and black bean burrito's.
    I usually make these with whatever I have on hand, so they are usually never the same twice. 
    Tonight I cut up two skinless, boneless chicken breast into bite size pieces.  Seasoned the chicken with garlic, black pepper, taco seasoning, to this I added 1 can cream of celery soup, 1 can black beans (drained and rinsed) diced spicy tomatoes and 1 can of green chile enchilada sauce.  I roll them in whole wheat tortilla shells add green chile enchilad sauce, cheese on top and bake at 375degrees for 15 minutes.  yummy!

    Sunday, July 1, 2012

    Homemade style Oreos

    I saw this recipe on http://www.smittenkitchen, and just had to try them.  They went together easier than I expected and taste just like the original oreo cookies only better.

    The chocolate wafer cookie could also be used in ice cream sandwiches.  I think for ice cream sandwiches however, I would make the cookie a little thicker.

    One of these cookies and a tall glass of milk will make your day! This batch are headed to my nephew's Birthday party.

    Chocolate Wafers

    1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
    1/2 cup unsweetened Dutch process cocoa (I used Hershey's Special Dark cocoa)
    1 teaspoon baking soda
    1/4 teaspoon baking powder
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    1 to 1 1/2 cups sugar (use the 1 1/2 cup if you want a sweeter cookie)
    1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons (1 1/4 sticks) room-temperature, unsalted butter
    1 large egg


    1/4 cup (1/2 stick) room-temperature, unsalted butter
    1/4 cup vegetable shortening
    2 cups sifted confectioners' sugar
    2 teaspoons vanilla extract

    1.  Preheat oven to 375 degrees
    2.  In a food processor or electric mixer, thoroughly mix together the flour, cocoa, baking soda and powder, salt and sugar.  add butter, and then the egg.  Continue mixing until dough becomes together in a lump.

    3.  Roll cookie dough into a log, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.  cut into 1/4 inch pieces and place on cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. (these cookies will spread out alot, so leave pleanty of room between cookies).   Bake for 9 minutes
    (looks like a snake)

    To make cream, place butter and shortening in a mixing bowl and beat on low speed, gradually beating in sugar and vanilla.  Turn the mixer on high and beat for 2 to 3 minutes until filling is light and fluffly.

    Assemble cookies by spreading underside of cookie with filling and then topping with another cookie.

    Friday, June 29, 2012

    Favorite Summer Drink

    The marketing people at Daily's are geniuses!  You stick this in your freezer for a few hours, open and enjoy! I love it! 
    A nice frozen Straberry Daiquire on a hot summer day is a great way to relax and chill!  These come in a variety of flavors, not just strawberry and I personally haven't found one that I don't like. So get to the grocery store and stock up on your favorite flavors because it's going to be a hot summer!

    This is not a paid advertisement.  No animals, children or elderly were harmed in the writing of this post.  Please drink responsibly and if you must drive, the party is at my house.

    Tuesday, June 26, 2012

    Check out my favorite artist. I have one of her original art pictures in my office.
    The last picture is the one hanging in my office.
    Artist is Christine Lee (yes, she's related to me)

    Wednesday, June 20, 2012

    Sprouting Beans

    Bean sprouts are live food that are full of enzymes, vitamins and energy!  I have started sprouting my own beans at home to use in salads, wraps, bean burgers, throw them into my green smoothies and just eat them plain while sitting at my desk.  Of course I get the raised eyebrow and questions about why am I eating plain bean sprouts.
    I am eating raw bean sprouts because I am incorporating more raw foods into my diet.  We all know that the typical american diet is bad for us and although change can be challenging, I need to change some things in my diet for health reasons.
    As most of you already know, I have Parkinson's.  How we get Parkinson's disease is unknown.  The popular school of thought on causes of Parkinson's is mostly environmental.  That would include not only pesticides and chemicals in our water but also in our food. 
    I cannot go back 40 years and change what I exposed my body to but I can change what I expose myself to now.  I may not be able to reverse the damage already done but I can try to stop further damage.
    I do not like taking a lot of meds, so I am experimenting with food intake.  I am staying away from processed foods and eating more whole, clean, organic and raw foods.
    This is a new journey for me, so I will keep you updated on my progress. 
    Below are pictures of my bean sprouting in progress.

    Tuesday, June 12, 2012

    Chia Seeds!

    I have been doing a little research on chia seeds and found that besides being a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids, these little seeds swell up to 16 times their original size when soaked or ingested.  There are testimonials online about them being used for weight loss and skin care.
    Needless to say, I went to the health food store and bought some organic chia seeds.  Today was my first day to try them.  I ingested about 1/2 tsp of chia seeds (swallowed whole and chased with water).  They don't have any flavor so you can add them to your salads, overnight oatmeal, even put them in your coffee!
    I took the chia seeds in the morning and was so full that I wasn't hungry the rest of the day!  I am very impressed because I am usually hungry all day long.  Here's hoping that I will continue to get the same results tomorrow.
    I added a link at the bottom of the page that I think you will enjoy

    Overnight Oatmeal

    1/4 cup oats (steel cut is recommended)
    1/3 cup milk (or milk substitute)
    1/4 cup yogurt (any flavor)
    1 tsp chia seeds
    add fruit, and your choice of sweetner
    add all ingredients together in a ball canning jar, cover and refrigerate overnight
    enjoy in the morning!


    Saturday, June 9, 2012

    I was at K-mart today and scored a few good deals.  I found 11-inch dinner plates by Country Living, $5 for 4 plates.  I picked up 8 plates and 3 dark red bowles also by Country Living for $1.50 each.  I then went to Family Dollar and got 2 casual knit dresses and a camisole for $15. 
    I need a new beach towel but I am too cheap to pay $15 for a towel, so I will wait until the end of the season when they are maked down to their lowest price.   All in all a good shopping day!

    Saturday, April 28, 2012

    Thrift Store Finds!

    I woke up this morning and decided to go thrift store shopping.  I love the idea of that hidden treasure just waiting to be found.  I found the cutest little metal tea/coffee pot.  It is orange with a black handle, looks like it has never been used.  For $3.00 I just couldn't pass it up.  I also found a miniture crock pot that will be great for keeping sauces and dips hot. 
     I also got a nice tablecloth, six books (2 for me and 4 for my nine year old), two pillow cases, two yards of cotton with violet flowers, not sure what I am going to do with it yet, just liked it.  Cost for everything was less than ten dollars.  I call that a sucessful shopping day!

    Thursday, March 29, 2012

    Patio Fountain

    The fountain turned out a little different than what I had planned.  My container was too small, so I had to find a large planter that would hold the amount of water I needed for the size pump I bought.  It is not horrible, but maybe I will "tweak it" later.
    My plants are getting bigger.  I will try to get some pictures of them this weekend to post.



    Tuesday, March 13, 2012

    Spring Fever has hit!

    I know it is only March, but I have a bad case of spring fever! Here in Florida it is already hitting 80 degrees in the afternoon.  We had a very mild winter, and the azaleas are already blooming!   So in the spirit of warmer days and mild evenings, I decided it was time to start work on getting my patio ready for summer.

     I have a screened in patio on the second floor but I am already getting my tomatoes, strawberry, lettuce and zuchinni plants ready.  Here's hoping the zuchinni don't take over the patio!

    I have also decided that a water fountain would be a nice feature for the patio.  I found a molded plastic garden urn at a local thrift store for the main feature of the fountain.  I medium sized plastic pot from the dollar store along with some decorative stones.  I drilled a hole in the back of the urn for the water tubing to go through.  I checked my local hardware stores and Wal-mart for a submersible pump but the only size they carried was for ponds, so I ordered one on-line.  The pump should be in this week and I will be able to finish my fountain this weekend.