About Me

I am a 47 year young mother of three children, two of which are in their 20's and a nine year old.  I am a nurse by trade.  I enjoy sewing, crochet, writing poetry, reading.  I will get in the kitchen once in a while and cook, but my other half is generally in charge of the cooking.  He is also a nurse (2nd career for him).
We moved from a four bedroom house on five acres to a small two bedroom apartment in the city last year.  We moved mostly to be closer to our jobs.  Although I do miss the privacy we had in the country, there is something to be said for living in the city.  We have a shorter commute to work, we are closer to our favorite hangouts and friends.  In an apartment, we don't have to spend our days off doing yard work or fixing things up around the house.  I am insistant on having a container garden on my 2nd story patio though.  I like fresh vegetables, pestacide free and home grown.