I have been doing a little research on chia seeds and found that besides being a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids, these little seeds swell up to 16 times their original size when soaked or ingested. There are testimonials online about them being used for weight loss and skin care.
Needless to say, I went to the health food store and bought some organic chia seeds. Today was my first day to try them. I ingested about 1/2 tsp of chia seeds (swallowed whole and chased with water). They don't have any flavor so you can add them to your salads, overnight oatmeal, even put them in your coffee!
I took the chia seeds in the morning and was so full that I wasn't hungry the rest of the day! I am very impressed because I am usually hungry all day long. Here's hoping that I will continue to get the same results tomorrow.
I added a link at the bottom of the page that I think you will enjoy

1/4 cup oats (steel cut is recommended)
1/3 cup milk (or milk substitute)
1/4 cup yogurt (any flavor)
1 tsp chia seeds
add fruit, and your choice of sweetner
add all ingredients together in a ball canning jar, cover and refrigerate overnight
enjoy in the morning!
edit to above post: Steel cut oats are NOT recommeded. The regular oats are best used in the overnight oatmeal. Steel cut oats can be used in the crockpot overnight oatmeal. will post that recipe later