Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Breakfast on the run

I am one of those people that doesn't take the time to sit down and eat breakfast before going to work.  I l have a 20 minute commute, so I eat breakfast in the car.  I started making my own breakfast burritos and freezing them.  I like them much better than store bought ones or going through a drive through, which can get expensive if you eat out everyday.

I make my breakfast burritos with lean ground turkey, scrambled eggs, chopped peppers, cheese and a little salsa.  I lay them out on a pan after rolling them and freeze them before transferring them to freezer bags, that way they don't stick together inside the freezer bag.  1 minute in the microwave, wrap it in a linen napkin (home made of course) and I am off to work.

My son will get these out of the freezer, microwave it and have it for a after-school snack. 

I make them on the weekend and freeze enough to last the week.

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