Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A day at the office

I remember when I was little and would here the phrase, "your father is at the office". What a mysterious place the office seemed to me. I never got to visit my father's office until I was older but I just knew that he must be doing all kinds of fun things there, after all that is where he spent most of his time and why would you, as a grown up, stay there unless it was fun right?

Fast forward thirty years and I am at the office. I wonder if I got the wrong office when I was hired. Where is all the mystery, the fun and excitment that keeps me here from sun-up to sun-down? Is it possible that the office was more fun thirty years ago? And where is my "wife" to take care of the kids, cook dinner, clean house and carpool the kids to their doctor appointments, play dates and after school functions? Just gave away my age there uh? Wonder if I could bring my office home. I will have to work on a plan for that; a journey all in itself.

Where I really want to be is at home, being a mother. It would be nice to be able to plan a meal, volunteer in my child's classroom or maybe try to make some fancy cupcakes.
In this blog I would like to share pieces of my big life (at least I think it is) spent in a small apartment. Apartment dwelling is new for me, so I expect there to be many adjustments. Stay tuned!

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